jeudi 26 mai 2011

Why buy a domain name?

Why buy a domain name?

February 1st, 2011
You've decided it's time to put a website or blog for your business. Excellent decision. Now is the time to think about the domain name. You can choose to go with either one of the many free hosting options, but you can not choose your domain name if you go away.
There are a number of good reasons why you or your blog should buy a domain name for the site. Having your own domain name will immediately give your site aprofessional appearance and credibility.
Think of it as a mailing address, is much more professional look to a physical address as opposed to a mailbox to see. The same concept applies to your web address. If you do not want to use an address that thousands of others, is characterized by using random numbers and letters.
Another reason to buy your own domain name to a name that recalls. If you have a catchy domain name or one that also refers to yourThe company will be able to remember people to visit your web address and more often.
A big advantage of owning your own domain is selected. They are the domain until you pay for it. You can switch to a new host if you like. You can theme it. You can do anything and everything on it. You control it.
If you promote affiliate products, you are strongly advised to purchase your domain name, rather than consistencythe cookie cutter websites that have some affiliate programs. Yes, they are usually free and the hosting is probably free or at reduced prices. Remember, you get what you pay for.
Suppose you have several months to take a marketing campaign for visitors to the partner website. Sales have already arrived and all is well. Then one day the affiliate program shut down for one reason or another. The page is gone, the host is gone, and all your work driving traffic has becomeuseless.
If you're smart and you have purchased your domain name and an affiliate program that promotes outdated or simply decide otherwise promote something, it's a big problem.
Just go in and change the content of your pages and leads to a different affiliate product.
Your pages, you worked to build traffic, are still intact. It 's just an inconvenience rather than a tragedy.
If you purchase your own domain,have a more professional e-mail. No Yahoo or Gmail email and, unless this is what you want.
If you are interested in creating a web presence, the names are long term, will need to purchase a domain. Construction started your business online in a way that you as a permanent and durable. communicate with the cookie cutter sites and jobs, not a feeling of obligation to yourself or your site visitors. Commit to your business andto your success.
They have a little 'brainstorm, and learn to buy a domain name.
The cost is minimal when the lasting benefits that leads to confrontation. A domain name can provide a sound basis for building a successful online business.

The secrets of successful registration of domain names

The secrets of successful registration of domain names

February 2nd, 2011
I find that the Internet domain name is the key to success
Business. I remember the first time I started my
Internet business. And I just had my domain name registered
was my site pointing to my domain. This is the
equivalent to open a traditional store or a business
Office with a welcome party.
Metaphorically your domain name is your key to a
Lifestyle Freedom. Internet is connectedwith
Work from home and not go to an office. Can
to work when you want as your site is open 24 hours
for business, you need to be resolved only once a day in a test
E-mail support and make sure that your website
be operational.
Now get to the serious side of the domain name. E '
essential to your business success. Think of all the
popular sites like Google, Digg, Youtube, Yahoo
They all have shortcatchy name, the type of representation
your logo or identity anywhere. If you visit Google
often have to enter a long name that does not
unforgettable. I'm sure this is the impact of events
Choosing a good domain name has on your business.
So let us on the process of choosing a good name for the search. If
to ensure that it is your business.
If you are a used Chevrolet dealer, you can
select one asChevrolet. The name can be a hyphen
or just the two words together. I'm sure
get the idea.
When you are ready to choose a registrar known and control
if the name is available. After confirming this
complete registration and payment. In most
Cases, the process is completed before 24 hours.

Yahoo Domain

Yahoo Domain

update January 24, 2011 Yahoo Web hosting Coupon
Yahoo! Web Hosting - Save 35% off for the first 3 months
The well-known Internet portal Yahoo! has joined the domain name business. The company now offers domain name registration services through its Yahoo! Small Business division. This sector of Yahoo is devoted to helping entrepreneurs get their businesses up and running by providing assistance like recruiting services, marketing tools and web hosting. The next reasonable step is to offer branded Yahoo domain registration. It’s another tool which will help business establish an online presence.
PC Magazine reviewed Yahoo Domains and gave it the highly-coveted Editor’s Choice Award. The published review states that “domain registration through Yahoo! Small Business is the easiest.” The statement reflects the level of service that one receives through a Yahoo Domain. It offers great features like domain forwarding, email forwarding, control panel with DNS management, and the most popular top-level domains. Knowledgeable customer service is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and the call is toll-free. In addition to this, one to five-year registration plans are available.
Yahoo! Domains also makes upgrading very easy for those who want to expand to other Yahoo! services. Customers may upgrade to receive a personal custom mailbox or business mail package which reflects the domain name. Users may also transfer their Yahoo! domain from another web host to Yahoo! Web Hosting. If the customer needs help creating an online store, they may summon the help of Merchant Solutions which is a program that will help them manage online sales.
PC Magazine said that a Yahoo Domain was the easiest. It is quite possible to claim that the service is one of the cheapest. It offers all of the aforementioned features for only $4.98 per year at the time of this writing. With so many wonderful features at such a low price, it is hard to overlook an offer like this one.
Last Updated (Tuesday, 25 January 2011 23:03)

Yahoo Domains: Your A-Z Guide to Picking & Registering a Domain

Yahoo Domains: Your A-Z Guide to Picking & Registering a Domain

Choosing the right domain name and domain name provider is the first step to creating your new website. Yahoo! Domains is one of the leading domain registrars in the world and has the backing of Yahoo!, a leading internet company. In fact, Yahoo! hosts its domains and websites on the very same servers as, making it the most reliable domain and hosting provider in the industry.
In addition, Yahoo! provides domain names for as little as $3.95 per year(for new customers)and $12.95 for existing customers, with no set up fees. Other, domain providers charge as much as $35 per year and do not provide as many features or functionality as Yahoo! For example, Yahoo! Domains is one of the few companies that provides 24/7 toll free phone and email support.

mercredi 25 mai 2011

Rachats de crédits

Spécialiste du Crédit à la consommation et du Crédit immobilier, Cetelem vous accompagne dans la réalisation de tous les projets qui vous tiennent à coeur. Avec le Rachat de crédits Cetelem, vous pouvez voir plus clair dans vos finances et penser à de nouveaux projets (*). Si vous avez différents prêts en cours, souscrits auprès d’un ou plusieurs établissements de crédit, c’est l’occasion pour vous de faire un point sur votre budget. Le Rachat de crédits consiste à regrouper tous vos crédits en un seul pour une mensualité unique réduite (**), le tout sans changer de banque.
Vous avez souscrit plusieurs crédits (crédit auto, crédit immobilier, prêt travaux, crédit mariage…) et vous souhaitez aujourd’hui simplifier la gestion de vos crédits et réduire le niveau de vos mensualités (**) ? Financer un nouveau projet ? A chacun de vos besoins correspond une solution Cetelem. Pour en profiter, découvrez ci-dessous l’ensemble de l’offre Rachats de crédits Cetelem.
(*) Sous réserve d’acceptation de votre dossier par BNP Paribas Personal Finance.
(**) Lors de l’opération de rachat de crédits, la baisse du montant des mensualités suppose un allongement de la durée de remboursement et une majoration du coût total des crédits objets du regroupement

Rachats de crédits Spécialiste du Crédit

Rachats de crédits Spécialiste du Crédit à la consommation et du Crédit immobilier, Cetelem vous accompagne dans la réalisation de tous les projets qui vous tiennent à coeur. Avec le Rachat de crédits Cetelem, vous pouvez voir plus clair dans vos finances et penser à de nouveaux projets (*). Si vous avez différents prêts en cours, souscrits auprès d’un ou plusieurs établissements de crédit, c’est l’occasion pour vous de faire un point sur votre budget. Le Rachat de crédits consiste à regrouper tous vos crédits en un seul pour une mensualité unique réduite (**), le tout sans changer de banque.
Vous avez souscrit plusieurs crédits (crédit auto, crédit immobilier, prêt travaux, crédit mariage…) et vous souhaitez aujourd’hui simplifier la gestion de vos crédits et réduire le niveau de vos mensualités (**) ? Financer un nouveau projet ? A chacun de vos besoins correspond une solution Cetelem. Pour en profiter, découvrez ci-dessous l’ensemble de l’offre Rachats de crédits Cetelem.
(*) Sous réserve d’acceptation de votre dossier par BNP Paribas Personal Finance.
(**) Lors de l’opération de rachat de crédits, la baisse du montant des mensualités suppose un allongement de la durée de remboursement et une majoration du coût total des crédits objets du regroupement.



Rachat credit hypothecaire  : Vous avez un bien immobilier, votre proprieté constitue un gage, une assurance pour la banque qui va regrouper vos credits (credit immobilier, credit consommation, revolving ,auto..), elle va les reorganiser, vous proposer de meilleur taux. Dans le cas ou votre situation ne permet pas un rachat de credits, ( taux d'endettement trop important, revenus trop faible...) hypothequer votre maison, votre appartement, ou bien un autre bien (le réméré) devient alors une solution pour regroupement de prets. L'etalement de vos prets peut s'etaler deslors sur 30 ans.
Rachat de credit consommation : Vous avez cumulé des prets, des credits à la consommation, avec differents oragnismes preteurs, pour l'achat d'une voiture, d'une television, ou autres appareil electro menagé, cumulé egalement un ou plusieurs prets personnel, demandé une reserve d'argent, un credit pour des travaux. Regrouper vos credits, renégocier a de meilleur taux d'interets , avec le rachat de credits, rééchelonner également vos emprunts et rembourser sereinement vos dettes .
Etapes d'un rachat de credit : Remplir, le formulaire de demande sur ce site, la demande est trnasmise a plusieurs intermediaires bancaires pour une premiere analyse, il vous envois dans les 24 à 48 heures une proposition. Comparer les offres de rachat de credit ou de renegociation. Choisissez la meilleure et constitué au pres du courtier un dossier contenant vos informations et pieces justificatives a fournir a la banque préteuse. La banque fera une nouvelle analyse quand a la possibilité d'un rachat de credit, si elle est positive vos documents originaux seront demandés afin d'aller signer l'accord définitif devant un notaire.